Key Strategies To Consider During a Corporate Relocation

Key Strategies for Move Management

During a life cycle of a business, it may undergo multiple phases of expansion, consolidation, and contraction. The need for relocation can occur at any point of time; and can be stressful and a drain on resources if not handled properly. Here are few points to keep in mind before getting started: Proper Planning Relocation requires careful planning due to the significant impact […]

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The Rise of Data Centers

Data Centre is a highly specialised facility, that houses mission-critical computer and networking equipment and is usually fitted with backup power supply, environmental controls and security systems. Demand for In-House Data Centres More and more businesses are collecting vast amounts of data, analyzing it, storing it, and eventually using it to improve operations, make accurate […]

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The Future Of Healthcare Architecture

Healthcare Design

Over the years, while commercial space design has kept up with changing trends and emerging innovations, a segment that continues to remain the same, is healthcare architecture design. The current design of hospitals doesn’t accommodate emerging technologies and processes,  and hence, the cost of renovation is considerable. With concerns about climate change prompting re-evaluation of […]

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Artificial Intelligence and E-commerce

Ecommerce With AI

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a rapidly evolving technology that is currently at the forefront of innovation, and introducing new applications for many businesses. Artificial intelligence, as the name suggests is the technology behind artificially recreating human intelligence, by making software that understands repetitive human habits. These technologies offer businesses the potential to harness large datasets, improve […]

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